Hiring can feel like a headache when you are consistently not getting the results you want. What if there was a better way? What if you could look at hiring as an exciting opportunity to fill the gaps your team experiences. And have the confidence to know you are using a process that’s going to […]
Continue readingWe Bet You’re Not Doing This Within Your Tech Talent Recruiting Process There’s one crucial step as part of the Tech Talent recruiting process that will solve most of your hiring challenges. And the majority of people we talk with aren’t doing it. Doing this one thing provides so many benefits to your overall hiring […]
Continue readingThe ultimate goal of the interview is to aid you in choosing the right candidate. This can be a tough job. When you are figuring out how to hire tech talent, you may come to realize that the traditional interview format is flawed when it comes to tech talent recruiting, but there are quite a […]
Continue readingWe are big believers in planning for your next open position through our Outcome-Driven Job Description. It’s the most thorough way we know of ensuring you know exactly who you are looking for and why. Plus, having that knowledge up front allows you to create the most accurate IT job description. So both you and […]
Continue readingThe job interview is oftentimes the last barrier to entry that prospective employees face when attempting to land a new job. From the employer’s perspective, the job interview is meant to accomplish three major things. First, the employer is interested in making sure that you have the requisite skills to actually perform the tasks you’re […]
Continue readingAt Poly Tech Talent we’re convinced when U2 sang, “I still haven’t found what I’m looking for,” it’s probably because they didn’t perform a Gap Analysis before they started the search. The Gap Analysis is a series of questions meant to put you on the path of marrying what you think you are looking for […]
Continue readingHiring someone for an executive or management position is something to be approached with care and deliberation. That is true in every business but has special emphasis in the IT industry, where there’s a real need to understand technology in order to better anticipate and react to trends in the business world. So when you’re […]
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