Why these IT Job Descriptions are Effective

We are big believers in planning for your next open position through our Outcome-Driven Job Description. It’s the most thorough way we know of ensuring you know exactly who you are looking for and why. Plus, having that knowledge up front allows you to create the most accurate IT job description. So both you and your new hire have the same expectations of what the new role entails.

Accuracy doesn’t always mean stale or boring. You can, and should, add your branding personality and culture to your posts to ensure you’re starting to attract the right candidates as soon as you hit publish.

We’ve collected some of our recent favorites to share with you to spark some new ideas and put the best version of your new position and your company out there.

IT Job Descriptions with Personality

Red Bull is an engaging and energetic brand. And their job descriptions are no different. They incorporate a lot of the brand personality and add great design to its listings. This gives the prospect a feel for the type of environment that goes along with the position.

Its thorough descriptions put the prospect into the shoes of the position so they know what to expect. And the excitement makes you want to apply.

Check out this sample for an EDI Specialist.

Perfect Example of a Concise Tech Job Description

We are impressed with Slack’s job descriptions as they are always clear and concise while being conversational as well. Slack adds the excitement into the description to show you want types of challenges the prospect will get to tackle in this position. This approach adds emotion to the position, not just tasks.

As we’ve pointed out in our Writing the Ultimate Tech Job Description blog post, Slack focuses on the prospect and what’s in it for them in an easy to follow way. This approach allows the prospect to picture themselves in the role.

Check out the samples from Slack.

IT Job Descriptions Highlighting Values

Meet Up wants to find candidates with the skill sets needed for each position they post. But it’s obvious from their job descriptions that they also want to find the candidates who believe in their mission as a company. It opens many of its listings with a couple short, inspirational paragraphs to get prospects excited. And then closes with a listing of the company values to illustrate the type of company the prospect will be working for and the mission their skills will support.

Those who are inspired by this mission will want to read on. Its job descriptions are short, easy to understand and definitely motivational.

Check out samples from MeetUp.

These are just three ways to approach a tech job description. The key is finding your company’s voice and style to engage the best IT talent out there.

We have many talented IT candidates looking to find their next position on a winning team like yours. We’d love to help you write the Job Descriptions for your new open position and attract the right IT talent you need. Contact us to learn more about how we can help.

For more information on how to write the best job descriptions out there, visit our Guide to Writing the Ultimate Outcome-Driven Job Description.