Our Core Values

Our team unanimously agrees that our values are not just words. We sincerely like each other and have created relationships at work that will last a lifetime. Meeting people and forming bonds that transcend our day-to-day work is what we believe life at work is all about. We believe our values help to ensure mutual respect and that’s foundational for us.

Connect IT

We are in a business which is all about people. People are human beings and not cogs in a wheel, not simply candidates, resources, or employees. We work hard at forming and maintaining open and honest relationships and ensuring all interactions are positive. When we feel connected, we want to work hard for each other. 

Own IT

What does ownership mean? At work, it means taking something from start to finish and earning trust from colleagues that it is in great hands. This applies to tasks, relationships or interactions. We own the quality of the work we produce, how we react to challenges along the way, and outcomes.

Learn IT

Every day presents an opportunity to learn something new. We learn as we go. We work hard at developing our craft, improving our process, looking for ways to make things better, faster and simpler. We learn from things that go well and from those that went not so well. We strive to evolve and improve, our goal is not to stay the same.

Lead IT

How we get our work accomplished is as important as the work we accomplish. We’ve all heard this before, because it is really important. Spread positivity one interaction at a time, no matter how busy and how tight the timeline. Lead by example, inspire others, consult your team, blaze a trail, thank your colleagues, and demonstrate integrity. 

We map behaviours to our values constantly, they are simple, but they bind us.